DORR Voter Education Guide 2024

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US Senator

US Representative in Congress

State Legislature

State Senator

Vote for BOTH State Representative Candidates

State Representative

State Representative

AZ Corporation Commission

Vote for ALL 3 Corporation Commissioner Candidates

Corporation Commissioner

Corporation Commissioner

Corporation Commissioner

Yavapai County

Supervisor, District 3

Coconino County

Supervisor, District 3

County Recorder

Justice of the AZ Supreme Court

Justice of the AZ Supreme Court

Justice of the AZ Supreme Court

Judge of the Court of Appeals

Judge of the Court of Appeals Division 1

Judge of the Court of Appeals Division 1

Judge of the Court of Appeals Division 2

Judge of the Court of Appeals Division 2

Complete Your Entire Ballot!!

Statewide Ballot Propositions

Prop 133 – NO

Requires partisan primaries and prohibits primaries where candidates compete regardless of party affiliation. Would outlaw ranked-choice voting statewide, banning any local attempts to change voting with methods like ranked-choice, and preempting cities from running their own elections the way their residents want. Read more

Prop 134 – NO

Prevents popular citizen ballot initiative policies from making it to the ballot by allowing single districts to block the desires of the entire state. Read more

Prop 135 – NO

Restricts the Governor’s ability to declare a state of emergency by taking power from the executive branch and giving it to the legislative branch, endangering public safety in an emergency. Read more

Prop 136 – NO

Allows the courts to intercede on citizien initiative measures before voters have the opportunity to vote on them. This measure would allow one person in the state to challenge an initiative based on alleged constitutional violations. Read more

Prop 137 – NO

Removes retention votes for AZ State Supreme Court justices and Superior Court judges, giving them life terms retroactively, eliminating a critical check on judicial conduct. This proposition would also add two legislators to the judicial review commission. That is bias and an interference of the legislative branch in the business of the judicial branch. Read more

Prop 138 – NO

Allows employers to pay up to 25% less than the minimum wage for tipped employees. Backed by restaurant industry lobbyists and is subject to an appeal of a lawsuit that the ammendment title is measleading and does nothing to help tipped workers. Read more

Prop 139 – YES

Establishes the constitutional right to a safe legal abortion in the state of Arizona similar to what was previously in place under Roe v. Wade. Read more

Prop 140 – NO

Establishes seemingly beneficial open primaries in which all candidates run in the same election, but risks giving the legislature too much power to interfere with the process. Read more

Prop 311 – NO

Requires unrelated criminal conviction fees for unrelated deaths that are already heavily compensated, penalizing a random group for acts they never caused. Read more

Prop 312 – NO

Allows property owners to apply for a property tax refund if their city/locality does not enforce public nuisance laws, draining much-needed municipal resources and pushing their tax burden onto the rest of us. Read more

Prop 313 – NO

Current law already allows courts to impose very harsh sentences for sex trafficking. This poorly drafted version could be missaplied, send victims to jail for life. Read more

Prop 314 – NO

Attempt to revive the extreme and failed “show me your papers” border law from 2010-2016 that would hurt business and our state economy. Costly, ineffective, opposed by businesses, county attorneys, and likely unconstitutional. Read more

Prop 315 – NO

Would block Arizona agencies from creating rules that would increase regulatory costs by more than $500,000 over 5 years. Takes the decision-making power out of the hands of experts in state agencies and gives it to legislators who will be making scientific decisions based on political bias. Read more

Prop 479 (Yavapai County) – YES

Would increase Yavapai County’s base expenditure limitation by $7,900,000, allowing for more of the revenue raised in the county to be spent on projects, programs, and services. Proposition 479 will not raise property taxes or any other county taxes. Read more

Prop 482 (Coconino County) – YES

Would allow Coconino County’s base expenditure limitation by $7,700,000 allowing for more of the revenue raised in the county to be spent on projects, programs, and services. Proposition 482 will not raise property taxes or any other county taxes. Read more

Prop 483 (City of Sedona) – YES

A YES vote will uphold the City’s zoning to allow a Safe Place to Park program to be an allowable use on a 4-acre portion of the 40-acre cultural park, which is currently vacant while the area undergoes a master plan effort, anticipated to take two years. The Safe Place to Park zoning would expire after two years to coincide with review of the developed Master Plan. Read more

Question – YES

Gives Sedona Oak Creek Unified School District authorization to sell, lease or exchange Big Park School in V.O.C., which has not served students since 2018. A sale would reduce the financial and human resources strain associated with maintaining the vacant property. Proceeds would fund school facilities within the district. Read more